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Cardboard Slip Sheet for Storage Use

A cardboard slip sheet is a packaging material used in the shipping and handling of goods.
Product Description

Product Introduction of cardboard slip sheet

A cardboard slip sheet is a packaging material used in the shipping and handling of goods. It is a thin, flat sheet made of solid fiberboard. Cardboard slip sheets are an efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional pallets, especially in situations where space and weight are significant considerations. They play a crucial role in modern logistics and supply chain management.

Technical Parameters of cardboard slip sheet

1.Material: paperboard or fiberboard.

2.Dimensions: 1000 x 1200mm


4.Capacity : 500KG~1200KG

5.Color: Brown

6.Recyclability: 100% recycled


Product Uses of cardboard slip sheet

1.Transportation of Goods: Used as a base for goods during transportation, replacing pallets. Ideal for containers and trucks where space optimization is crucial.

2.Loading and Unloading: Facilitates the easy loading and unloading of goods with specialized forklift attachments.

3.Warehouse Storage: Useful in warehouses for compact storage and easy movement of goods.

4.International Shipping: Often used for international shipping due to their light weight and space efficiency, which can significantly reduce freight costs.

5.Various Industries: Widely used across different industries, including food and beverage, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.

6.Layer Separation: Can be used within stacks of products to provide stabilization and ease of access to different layers.

FAQ of cardboard slip sheet

1. How are slip sheets used in shipping?

Slip sheets are placed under a load of goods, allowing forklifts equipped with specialized push-pull attachments to lift and move the goods without the need for pallets.

2. What are the advantages of using cardboard slip sheets?

The main advantages include cost savings (they are cheaper than pallets), reduced shipping weight, space efficiency in storage and transport, recyclability, and ease of disposal.

3. Can slip sheets carry heavy loads?

Yes, despite their thinness, slip sheets are designed to carry heavy loads, often comparable to traditional pallets, depending on the quality and design of the sheet.





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Since 2001, HF PACK has gradually become a company with two production factories encompassing a total area of 40,000 square meters and 100 employees. 

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